(Перу, провинция Лорето, р. Лобояку, левый приток р. Гальвес).
The period of the first contacts matses with the peruvian society in the late 1960s and early 1970s became tragic for this indigena matses. Avoiding it, part of the matses went further to the east, to Brazil, where they are called mayoruna. Peruvian matses say that there their tribesmen continue to build maloca - large communal dwellings. In matses Peru, this tradition has come to naught. Villages of the peruvian matses are more like ordinary amazonian villages. But on the peruvian side, there is one single maloca of matses, whose inhabitants do not want to move to modern settlements. The expedition visited this last maloca. It was interesting to observe the interlacing of old and new in life matses. Still alive are the old people or their children, who remember how they attacked the peruvian soldiers or, according to tradition, ate their deceased relatives.