В понедельник 25 марта 2019 г. в 17.20 в Институте лингвистики РГГУ в аудитории 804 (2 корпус) состоится Открытый научный семинар.
С докладом "Power of words - taboo registers and ritual discourse among the Murui from Northwest Amazonia" выступит Katarzyna I. Wojtylak (University of Regensburg, Germany / James Cook University, Australia), ученица Александры Айхенвальд.
Аннотация доклада: Amazonian languages have plethora of genres characterized by varied stylistic features (e.g. Aikhenvald 2012). Those include linguistic taboos and special avoidance speech styles. Based on Murui, a Witotoan language from the Colombian Amazon (Wojtylak 2017), this talk discusses typical features of ritual discourse genres from the Northwestern Amazon (e.g. Beier, Michael, and Sherzer 2002), including special linguistic taboos and avoidance speech styles, such as the curious hunting and jungle-at-night registers (Wojtylak 2015).
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